On Thursday 26th August, we went on a trip to Fell Edge farm with our secondary age young people. It was a lovely sunny day and here are some of the things which the young people got up to throughout the day.
The day started with a tour of the grounds, as many of the young people, staff and volunteers had never been to Fell Edge before. Whilst doing this, some of the young people tried to complete a scavenger hunt – one of our staff members spotted an owl flying by, and we all spotted the geese in the field.
After the tour the young people went to enjoy some activities in the grounds of Fell Edge, a particular favourite was dressing up in the teepee, even the staff got involved trying on all kinds of costumes (see picture)!
One of our talented staff members, Martin, led some drumming for the young people throughout the day. They had lots of fun getting involved and making some music.
The young people enjoyed making pizzas in the morning and then giving them to “cooking man” (named by one of our young people!), to bake in Fell Edge’s pizza oven. We all thought that they were delicious. We finished off our lunch by sitting by the campfire and making smores – these went down a treat for everyone!
On the afternoon the teepee became a quiet space where lots of the young people went to relax, some even had a nap. To add to the relaxing afternoon, our staff member and also qualified yoga teacher, Liz, led a yoga and relaxation session for the young people – this was a wonderful way of creating a really calming atmosphere - settling the young people ready for home time. One of the young people spent the day taking in the scenery, reading their book and taking a nap in the fresh air to end the day.
Overall, we had a fantastic day at Fell Edge with LS29 Time and hope to go back in future trips. It was my last working session of the summer so I hope you have a lovely party week next week and will see you all soon at our next holiday club!