When I left my job in a school I was very excited that I would finally get chance to volunteer at the Under 5s Meet Up! Then, after two sessions attending as a volunteer, the opportunity came up to apply to work as the co-ordinator of the group - a role I was very pleased to get!
Now, four months in, I am loving my job - thinking of activities that the children will enjoy, investigating speakers the parents/carers may find interesting, and practising songs and signing for our sessions. We have a lot of fun with sensory play equipment and activities, soft play, stories, messy play and a wide range of toys. I look forward to Thursday mornings with all the smiles and giggles we get, the cheeky attempts to get extra biscuits and the honesty when I’m told to stop singing!
I love seeing how much the children enjoy our sessions, but also how much the families relax in our environment. Comfortable being with people who are in similar situations and sharing helpful advice with each other - I’m proud to be a part of that.
Moor Time is a unique charity and a fantastic organisation to work for. In my experience there are few places which cater so well for children with additional needs and their families. Here’s to more fun-filled Thursday mornings in 2023!